Green pass for restaurants? “Better than new closures”

“Yes to green passes for private premises and transport, the irresponsible are isolated”. This is the position of Luigi Scordamaglia, managing director of Filiera Italia, to protect and support recovery and reopening after the ‘stop and go’ caused by the pandemic that cost the horeca sector alone in 2020 almost 41 billion euros. The green pass theme returns to the fore in Italy after the change announced in France, where the document will become indispensable for using certain services. “Italy is not undecided and follows the example of other European countries: for our sector the moment is extremely delicate, and the hint of a recovery in catering must be consolidated” they say from Filiera Italia and they continue “we must avoid resorting to to new restrictions that would decree the death of the sector and trigger a crisis in the related sectors, first of all the agri-food sector, which in the last year has suffered very serious losses, up to 40% for some sectors, especially cheeses, cured meats and wine “. Not a small collateral damage, in the current moment in which we are witnessing at the same time the cooling of the sales of retailers and for the first time also of discount stores “. “The real game of trust and the recovery in consumption is played starting today, to get to the test bed at the beginning of autumn – says Scordamaglia – the tools to avoid sudden openings exist, the vaccination campaign is bearing fruit, do not waste time now, because the risk is to trigger a backward process and no one wants to risk being in the middle of summer in the same conditions as last October with sudden lockouts alternating with contingent openings “. And the managing director concludes “whoever irresponsibly chooses not to get vaccinated should be penalized. As in all previous cases in history, a disease that is now endemic can only be fought with the vaccine”.

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