Poste Italiane promotes the Green month

In collaboration with Postenews

Every spring, Poste Italiane organizes the “green month”, characterized by the hashtag #MeseVerdePoste, to strengthen the attention on the sustainability of the Group also thanks to the participation in international awareness campaigns for the protection of the Earth. The theme of this year’s green month is the rediscovery of the proximity territory, that is to tell and spread a virtuous culture in the short range of what is closest to people: the neighborhood, the town and the city. The value of walking, of moving around with the bicycle are evidence of gentle mobility: if they are now an acquired habit and to be consolidated as an effective contribution in terms of Mobility Management, for the containment of polluting emissions and energy saving. The Company has joined “M’Illumino di meno”, the day dedicated to energy saving and eco-sustainable lifestyles launched by the Caterpillar program of Rai Radio Due in 2005: this year’s theme is Salti di Specie, the small gestures that in everyday life they can make the difference to better emerge from the pandemic. Poste has also called its employees together for the Earth Hour: on 27 March for an hour from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm monuments, symbolic places, company signs and activities have turned off their lights. A symbolic gesture to contribute together to the protection of the Planet. The dissemination of a handbook on sustainable behaviors to be adopted in everyday life is further evidence of the Company’s commitment to a culture for protecting the environment: from small household gestures to the use of efficient technology such as LED for lighting or rational planning of travel. Commitment to the environment is one of the key pillars in Poste Italiane’s sustainability strategy: developing the culture of concrete actions in our daily lives is the real challenge we are called to face as citizens to make a concrete contribution to the planet. For further information: /