Record profit for Axa of 7.3 billion in 2021, more than double 2020

Record profit for Axa in 2021. The insurance group closed the balance sheet with a figure of 7.3 billion euros, more than double compared to 3.2 billion in 2020. The operating result also grew strongly: + 59% in 6.76 billion, while the turnover increased by 3% to almost 100 billion. Operating earnings per share rose 61% to € 2.75. This was announced by a note from the group. “Axa has delivered an excellent performance on all fronts,” said group CEO Thomas Buberl. “Taking into account the excellent operating performance and the solidity of the group’s balance sheet, the board of directors proposes to the shareholders a dividend of 1.54 euros, up 8% on last year and corresponding to a distribution rate of 56% “he said again. Furthermore, the Axa group is carrying out all five strategic actions envisaged in its ‘Driving progress 2023’ strategic plan. “As Axa – commented CEO Buberl – we continued to develop initiatives on ESG during the Covid-19 crisis and in 2021 we further strengthened our commitments on the climate, extending new commitments in support of the climate transition, the preservation of biodiversity , allocating € 1.5 billion to support reforestation. I am proud of the Group’s performance in 2021 in this context of the Covid-19 crisis, which reflects the relevance of our strategy, the strong commitment of our people, our agents and partners and the continued trust of our customers “, he concluded.