The war causes Piazza Affari to collapse

Strong wave of risk aversion on the markets, pushed down by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. While the leaders of Europe and the United States promise countermeasures like never before, oil is quoting above the $ 100 mark, gas is jumping + 57% and wheat prices have pushed to levels never seen before. to 344 euros per ton. In Piazza Affari, where the Ftse Mib closed down 4.1% to 24,890.52 points, the worst performances were recorded by two stocks that have deep ties with Eastern Europe such as UniCredit and Pirelli, which fell by 13 respectively. , 49 and 10.4% (this despite the fact that the tire group presented 2021 accounts above the estimates and announced guidance based on optimism). The boom in crude oil allowed Eni (-0.48%) and Tenaris (-1.1%) to contain sales while Saipem closed with a + 1.85%. The latter in financial year 2021 recorded a negative “adjusted” operating Ebitda of € 1.19 billion and revenues of € 6.875 billion (-6.4%). The Board of Directors approved the guidelines of the 2025 strategic plan. Among the few positive performances on the blue chip basket we find that of Campari (+ 1.81%), which yesterday made a splash, and that of Leonardo (+4, 34%) on the day Airbus and the Joint Armaments Cooperation Organization signed the Eurodrone contract. The BTP-Bund spread fell by almost 4% to 163 basis points after the auction of half-yearly Bots: the Treasury placed 5.5 billion bonds maturing on 31/08/2022 at a yield of -0.484%, stable compared to the previous appointment. (In collaboration with