Avedisco, technology increasingly protagonist of direct sales

Technology is increasingly the protagonist of direct sales which confirms itself as a ‘phigital’ model, where physical and digital come together and give life to a hybrid reality in which the digital dimension is increasingly interconnected with the human relationship. Phigital also offers new and different opportunities to sales representatives, while keeping the person, relationship and social value at the center. This is what emerged today during the 10th Direct Selling Forum promoted by Avedisco, the Association of Direct Sales Service for Consumers. The event, entitled: ‘Social media and social selling: the phigital evolution of direct sales’, was hosted by the Palazzo dell’Informazione in Rome, and saw a moment of dialogue dedicated to the transformation of our society and to technological evolution, factors that have influenced the direct sales sector. The development of digital technology and social distancing of recent times have in fact promoted the inevitable use of new communication tools to keep alive the relationship between sales representatives and customers at the time of social media. Giovanni Paolino, president of Avedisco, and Giuliano Sciortino, secretary general, talk with distinguished guests such as: the deputy Antonio Palmieri, member of the Chamber’s Culture, Science and Education Committee, Vincenzo Russo, associate professor of consumer psychology and neuromarketing and coordinator of the center Researcher of Neuromarketing at the IULM University of Milan, Emanuele Stivala and Fabio Tocco, entrepreneurs, founders of the community ‘Che toil la vita da bomber’ and regular guests of sporting Sundays; while the event was moderated by Federico Luperi, Innovation and New Media director and Digital PR manager of Adnkronos.