Paolino (Avedisco): “2021 year of transition from emergency to new normal”

“2021 was a year of transition, from an emergency to a new normal. Somehow we got used to the pandemic and, professionally speaking, found a way to live with it and adapt. Many of our sales representatives are use of digital tools and behaviors to keep the relationship with customers and collaborators alive “. This was said by Giovanni Paolino, president of Avedisco, on the occasion of the 10th Direct Selling Forum promoted by Avedisco, the Association of Direct Sales Service for Consumers. The event, entitled: ‘Social media and social selling: the phigital evolution of direct selling’, was hosted by the Information Building in Rome. “I believe – he explains – we can think of a phase of new training on tools and behaviors, both for companies and for each individual. Today, with criteria and organization, we must bring into our new normal what we have learned in these long months, with the aim of undressing improvisations and perfecting what has been activated in the wake of the emergency “.” Direct selling has always been – he underlines – a safety basin for those looking for work. There are different types of people who can approaching direct sales and in times of difficulty in the economy in general becomes the right place either to spend some time waiting for things to settle, or to choose to completely change your life and embrace an interesting, new activity , fun and above all free. For the future we are positive that we have all the credentials to be able to face even the most difficult moments with the right mental structure. a and correct. In these hours we are discussing war or non-war, there is always the fear that things could go wrong, but we must always see within ourselves, looking for resources within ourselves and for this reason direct selling is fantastic “.