Altroconsumo launches purchasing group lowers bill

Bills are one of the elements that have the greatest impact on Italians’ portfolios, especially following the sharp increase in the costs of domestic users that are occurring in this period. As shown by the data published by Arera, the percentage increase in costs has reached very high levels: expenses for electricity increased by + 131%, those for gas by 94% compared to the first quarter of 2021. These data contributed to increase the concerns of Italians who still have to orient themselves within these new dynamics. The Council of Ministers today will deal with the problem of expensive bills and the solutions to deal with the crisis. While waiting for the new measures, Altroconsumo, which has always been committed to consumer protection, chooses to concretely help citizens by launching the 2022 edition of the Abbassa la Bolletta Purchase Group. As defined by the Arera, Altroconsumo underlines, “Energy purchasing groups are created with the aim of selecting one or more vendors for the supply of electricity and / or natural gas to final customers gathered in the group. After selecting the commercial offers more advantageous, the Purchasing Group proposes them to its members who can enter into their own supply contract with the seller under the established conditions “. Through an auction between suppliers, the Purchasing Group, as stated in the note,” will obtain offers convenient and advantageous for gas and electricity (100% from renewable sources) with the quality guaranteed by Altroconsumo. By taking part in the initiative, the user will be able to evaluate the offers without obligations or constraints; moreover, they can enter their consumption data in the personal area of ​​the website and receive an estimate of the savings obtainable by activating the winning bids of the auction. Previous editions involved more than 500,000 families. and which, by changing supplier, managed to save an average of 250 euros per year “.” From the CdM this afternoon – underlines Federico Cavallo, Head of External Relations at Altroconsumo -, we hope that strong measures will come to deal with the reasons for this crisis, which – we know – are systemic and articulated: in our opinion, structural interventions that give real guarantees to consumers are needed. The measures undertaken so far – such as the allocation of 1.8 billion euros by the Government to limit energy and gas costs, within the financial maneuver – have in fact only buffered the problem of the increase in domestic bills and unfortunately – they were not enough results. We therefore trust that immediate answers will be given to people in difficulty and, at the same time, that the commitment to make the country system more independent, sustainable and efficient “. In the meantime, as Altroconsumo, underlines Cavallo,” we believe that people must always be at the center and we are convinced that, in times of difficulty, unity is strength. Also for this reason we have recently relaunched the Abbassa la Bolletta purchasing group, so that in this moment of great difficulty we can allow consumers to come together to make a common front in the face of increases and obtain more favorable market conditions “.