Increase in bills and electricity, government measures: how much can you save?

Increased electricity and gas bills, the government is defining measures to counter the cost of energy. It seems certain that also in the next quarter, households will see a zeroing of system charges on their bills. What does this initiative translate into for the pockets of Italians? Read also According to the estimates of, the benefit for consumers already in the period January – March 2022 is equal, on the electricity bill alone, to just under 10 euros per month, for a total of about 28 euros less in the quarter . “It is difficult to make precise predictions on what the impact of the new measures will be on consumers’ pockets, but if we look at the past it is clear that, despite the huge resources invested, the interventions have only partially managed to mitigate the increases”, explains Silvia Rossi , commercial director of Utilities of “This time, however, the resources allocated could reach 7.5 billion euros and, even if divided between families, businesses and public administrations, they could have a more tangible impact”.