Philip Morris accelerates towards smoke-free future, launches lil Solid 2.0 nationwide in Italy

Philip Morris International’s journey to build a smoke-free future takes another important step today with the nationwide launch in Italy of lil Solid 2.0, the tobacco heating device marketed by SMEs following the licensing agreement signed with KT&G. the leading South Korean company in the tobacco and nicotine sector. After Iqos, the first system in the world for heating tobacco, and after the Veev electronic cigarette, the launch of lil Solid 2.0 expands the portfolio of technologically advanced smokeless products of Pmi which, although not without risks, represent valid alternatives for those adult smokers who would otherwise continue to smoke. To date, over two million Italian smokers have completely left their cigarettes or started the path towards smokeless products developed and marketed by Pmi thanks to the research work on smokeless devices carried out by over 900 experts in research and development and beyond. $ 9 billion in investments. “Our goal is to eliminate cigarettes as quickly as possible. We have long been leading the industry towards the biggest transformation in its history, helping non-quitting smokers transition to smokeless tech alternatives and the fact that two million smokers have already made the move tells us we’re on the right track. . – commented Gianluca Iannelli, Head of Marketing Digital at Philip Morris Italy, who added – Iqos continues to be a leader in the heated tobacco category, but we know that no single product will satisfy the preferences of all adult smokers. The launch of lil Solid 2.0 complements our portfolio of smokeless alternatives, providing adult smokers with different products in terms of use, price and technology. “Tobacco sticks for lil Solid 2.0 are produced in Italy at the Crespellano (Bologna) plant, center of worldwide excellence of the Philip Morris group for the production and prototyping of combustion-free products. The new Center for Industrial Excellence was recently inaugurated at the Bologna production site, the largest in the world of SMEs for industrialization, process innovation , engineering and sustainability, part of a broader investment plan for Italy equal to approximately 600 million euros in three years, linked to the new non-combustion products, with an estimated direct, indirect and induced employment impact of approximately 8000 jobs work along the supply chain.