Research, Diana Bracco: “Well Draghi on Pnrr funds and the role of women in science”

“Research is an engine of the development of a country and Draghi has done well to allocate important resources of the NRP which provide for investments of over 30 billion in education and research”. This was stated at Adnkronos by the president and CEO of the Bracco Group, Diana Bracco, former vice president for research and innovation of Confindustria, thus speaking on the words expressed by Prime Minister Mario Draghi during his visit to the National Laboratories of Gran Sasso dell ‘ Infn. “I was particularly pleased – continues Bracco – to hear Draghi’s words on the presence of women in research, women have remained on the margins of the world of science”. “We have just presented as the Bracco Foundation, on 11 February on the day of women and girls in science at Expo 2020 Dubai, the manifesto ‘Mind the Stem gap’ with the aim of fighting the prejudices that limit the presence of girls in the faculties scientific “underlines the president Diana Bracco.