Piazza Affari penalized by bankers

Due to the taking of profits on the securities of the banking sector, the session of Piazza Affari closed in substantial parity. After the strong rises triggered yesterday by the easing of geopolitical tensions, today the European stock exchanges closed in the name of prudence pending the publication of the minutes of the last meeting of the Federal Reserve. The Ftse Mib, which stopped at 26,969.32 points (0.01%), was penalized, as mentioned, by the performance of the securities of the banking sector: Intesa Sanpaolo ended with a -2.17%, awaiting news l ” combination formed by Banco Bpm and UniCredit lost 1.87 and 1.66 per cent respectively, and Bper Banca following the green light of the Fitd for the sale of the stake in Banca Carige (-0.1%) scored a -1.2%. In the sector, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena (-4.74%) issued a note, “with reference to press reports relating to a potential capital increase […] of the amount of 3.5 billion “, to specify” that these are indiscretions that have no basis in initiatives launched by the Bank “. The best performance was instead recorded by Prysmian (+ 3.04%) which capitalized the results above the estimates of the French Nexans. Money also on energy, driven by the return of purchases of crude oil (+ 2.7% to 95.8 $ / barrel): Eni closed with + 1.03%, Tenaris scored + 2.29% and Saipem is rise of 1.09%. With the yield of our 10-year BTP at 2%, the BTP-Bund spread marked a red of 2.5% at 163 basis points. (in collaboration with money.it)