Resta (Polimi): “Training and key research to manage smart mobility”

The training of human capital and the innovation of the educational offer are central to the management of transport infrastructures. This was highlighted by Ferruccio Resta, rector of the Milan Polytechnic and president of the Conference of Rectors of Italian universities, and Marco Belloli, full professor of the Mechanics department of the Milanese university, in an intervention in Infra Journal, the webmagazine of the Atlantia Group dedicated to mobility. “More and more smart cities, innovative carriers, highly complex national and international connections, safety and environmental impact problems – write the two academics – are just some of the critical issues that mobility experts will be called upon to face. A sector that requires not only technical-engineering skills, but also management and vision skills. Real priorities for companies and organizations that, for various reasons, operate in the sector “. The role of the university – they continue – is therefore to act as a glue: training and research on the one hand, innovation on the other according to a strategic vision that starts from specific aspects, but which ends up embracing a system perspective. In fact, infrastructures represent the backbone of a country, Italy, which we want to be modern, advanced, connected with Europe, at the center of economic growth dynamics. And as with all advanced systems, this image largely depends on our ability to invest in innovation, training and research. “” The Master’s Degree in Mobility Engineering, together with numerous interdisciplinary courses, represents the key to once for the training of technical figures capable of designing and managing innovative systems ”concludes the intervention.