Pensions, government opens after 67 years but with contribution recalculation

The government opens up to flexibility in leaving pensions and shares the request of CGIL, CISL and UIL to overcome the rigidity of the 67-year requirement provided for by the Fornero law. But at a price: the contribution recalculation of pension checks. The availability came during the third technical discussion table with the trade unions today at the Ministry of Labor. This is a stake that ‘cools’ the satisfaction of CGIL, CISL and UIL even if the unions do not seem to underestimate the effort of the government which has provided an availability, albeit generic, also on the revision of the transformation coefficients and on the possibility of eliminating the threshold of the 2.8 and 1.5 times the social allowance for those who reach 64 and 67 years respectively and the possibility of further protection for unemployed, burdensome and disabled workers. Net closing instead on the hypothesis reiterated by CGIL CISL and UIL to obtain a pension in any case with 41 years of contributions without age restrictions. To take stock of the negotiation, and to measure the distances or not on a shared intervention with which to redesign the social security system, there will now be an upcoming political summit between the minister of labor, Andrea Orlando and the leaders of CGIL CISL and UIL, already postponed a time to make room for today’s debate on flexibility, a missing piece of the puzzle in progress, which, however, has not yet been scheduled due to the government’s international commitments. It could take place next week but nothing is certain. “The opening of the government is good, but we are now waiting to know the merits in detail”, comments at the end the confederal secretary of the CGIL Roberto Ghiselli who does not agree with the contribution recalculation offered by the government. “There is a risk of a cut in pension checks up to 30 % “, he recalls. The CISL also appreciates the willingness of the government but opposes the recalculation.” The exchange cannot be that of the contribution recalculation. If there is a common trajectory, we need to see how we get there “, explains the confederal secretary, Ignazio Ganga. And also for the confederal secretary Uil, Domenico Proietti, it is” significant “that the government has recognized the need to introduce greater flexibility in the retirement age but the idea of ​​linking this flexibility to the contribution recalculation is wrong, which would result in a further penalty for workers.