Pensions: government-trade union game ahead, Thursday focus on young people and women

The negotiations between the government and the unions for a shared rewrite of the Fornero pension reform will begin to unfold from next Thursday, 20 January. The first of the three technical round tables convened at the Ministry of Labor, in fact, should address one of the major problems on the table: that relating to young people who, entering an often precarious and discontinuous labor market, will not be able to take advantage of an adequate contribution treasury to guarantee themselves a decent retirement. The topic has been under consideration for years: the same proposal that the CGIL, CISL and UIL are preparing to discuss, that of a guarantee pension for young people, has already been put on the table several times with other governments without ever being able to see the game closed. Also this time there is the risk that the political fibrillations, linked today to the vote of the President of the Republic, could impact on the ongoing confrontation but, at the moment, the table on pensions has remained out of the ‘frozen’ rounds awaiting events. Full speed ahead therefore with the debate on the reform for which the same Minister of Labor, Orlando, has drawn up short management times in recent days. On Thursday, therefore, the spotlight on young people but also on women. For the former, the trade unions’ proposal would aim to introduce a sort of ‘corrective’ to the calculation of the contribution system to avoid serious effects on pension benefits deriving from the distortions of the labor market, thus defining an ‘ad hoc integration’ of allowances against insufficient pensions. The integration, which would therefore take effect only at the time of retirement and for the exclusive benefit of those in difficulty, aims to guarantee a total “decent” monthly allowance; the estimates always circulated in recent years have often drawn an amount very close to 1000 euros per month to be allocated only to those with problems of inadequacy of the pension. Spotlight on women too. The comparison of the requisites for old age retirement with those envisaged for men remains at the center of the attention of Cgil, Cisl and Uil for which the working ‘careers’ between the sexes are not comparable: gender gap and family burdens make the difference . For this it would be necessary for the trade unions to provide for contribution thresholds for access to pensions compatible with the conditions of women. Not only. To recognize the unpaid care work they carry out in the family, the unions ask for the recognition of a 12-month advance pension for each child in addition to the enhancement, for retirement purposes, of the work of caring for disabled or non-self-sufficient people in the family. However, for now, any reference to the age or contribution requirement necessary to retire is still out of the table: the topic, the hottest of the pension package, in fact, that of exit flexibility, will only be analyzed in a round after 20 January to be scheduled, however, as guaranteed by the government, before the meeting already scheduled for next 7 February, the date on which an initial political assessment will be made on the ongoing confrontation to measure distances and approaches.