Single child allowance 2021, INPS: application from 1 July, how to request it

Single child allowance 2021 starting from 1 July. The application can be submitted to INPS until 30 September for the facilitation. The single family allowance consists of a monthly allowance for all families who have a dependent child up to 21 years of age. Furthermore, the allowance has a maximum value of 250 euros, according to the ISEE, and is composed of a fixed value and a variable value according to the overall income of the family. To reiterate how to request it was the president of INPS, Pasquale Tridico, on the occasion of a hearing in the Senate on the temporary allowance for minor children, underlining that the applications submitted by September 30 “give the right to the recognition of arrears from from July 1. So there is no need to submit all applications “on the same day. “The tax code and the Iban will be enough to present the application and download the receipt”, he said. Tridico then explained that “the new check is compatible with the Citizenship Income”. ” Part of the single check will also flow into the Citizenship Income card, it will be recognized ex officio and loaded automatically “. ” It is an important measure on which we are working a lot, even in these hours. to fight poverty, but to cope with the demographic decline ”, he explains again. How to apply for it? How to apply? Once fully operational, the single family allowance will consist of a monthly allowance for all families who have children up to In addition, the allowance has a maximum value of 250 euros, based on the ISEE, and is made up of a fixed value and a variable value depending on the overall income of the family. July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. The procedure, recently explained Inps, was launched with a message from the Institute that includes the usual tables for calculating and annual revaluation of income for the family unit with respect to the different types of households and increases for households with children The decree of 8 June established, for each for the family unit in the period between 1 July and 31 December 2021, an increase of € 37.5 for each child in households up to two children, and € 55 for each child in families of at least three children. After submitting the application and INPS checks, the checks and any surcharges will be calculated. Who it is and how much it is worth The benefit will be attributed to employees, self-employed or incompetent workers. All mothers from the seventh month of pregnancy can apply. Furthermore, from 18 years of age, a reduced sum compared to the allowance could be credited directly to the child if: he is enrolled at university; is a trainee; is enrolled in a professional course; carries out the civil service; has a low-income job. The benefit will be attributed to employees, self-employed or incompetent. All mothers from the seventh month of pregnancy can apply. From the age of 18, moreover, a reduced sum compared to the allowance could be credited directly to the child if: – he is enrolled at the university; – he is a trainee; in a professional course; – carries out civil service; – carries out a low-income job According to a simulation carried out by the Arel / Feg / Alleanza per bambini working group, the allowance risks in some cases a ‘cut’ in the amount compared to 250 euros. The check – as a tax credit or monthly credit – will include the currently existing facilities and will be linked to the ISEE. According to the scenario envisaged, 80% of Italian families would take 161 euros per month for each minor child and 97 for each child under 21. The calculation is linked to the consideration that 8 out of 10 families have an ISEE below 30 thousand euros. The amount of the allowance decreases if the Isee is raised: for an Isee above 52 thousand euros, the contribution drops to 67 euros per month for minor children and 40 euros for adult children but under the age of 21. The framework would favor the self-employed and the incompetent, categories currently excluded from family allowances. Employees would be disadvantaged: 1.35 million families would lose an average of € 381 per year. To close this disparity, it is emphasized, 800 million more are needed per year.