Pensions January 2022, payment: Post office calendar and news

Pensions for January 2022, the Italian Post Office calendar arrives for payment. Pensions will be credited starting from Monday 27 December for holders of a savings book, a BancoPosta account or a Postepay Evolution. Holders of Postamat card, Carta Libretto or Postepay Evolution will be able to withdraw cash from over 8,000 Postamat ATMs, without having to go to the counter. The payment of pensions in cash will take place according to the following alphabetical shifts which may vary according to the number of days the reference Post Office is open: surnames from A to B Monday 27 December, from C to D Tuesday 28 December, from E to K Wednesday 29 December, from L to O Thursday 30 December, from P to R Friday 31 December, from S to Z Monday 3 January Poste Italiane also reminds you that citizens aged 75 or over who receive social security benefits from the Post Offices, which normally collect the pension in cash and which have not already delegated other subjects to withdraw the pension, can ask to receive the sums of money free of charge at their home, delegating the Carabinieri to collect them. The new methods of paying pensions are of a precautionary nature and were introduced with the primary objective of guaranteeing the protection of the health of Poste Italiane’s workers and customers. Therefore, everyone is invited to wear a protective mask, to enter the office only when previous customers leave, to keep a distance of at least one meter, both waiting outside the offices and in the rooms open to the public.

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