Draghi press conference, what he said today

Not only Covid in Italy, Omicron variant, infections and measures but also the future of the government, economic growth, the maneuver for 2022 and the NRP. And then again family and birth rate, but also space and Tim. There are several topics dealt with by Prime Minister Mario Draghi during the press conference at the end of the year. Read also COVID, OMICRON VARIANT AND MEASURES Omicron variant in Italy, control room to also discuss buffers and green passes, any restrictions in view of Christmas. The Prime Minister replied to the journalists’ questions as follows: “The arrival of the Omicron variant, which scientists tell us to be much more contagious than the previous ones, has opened a new phase in the pandemic. Tomorrow a control room will be held to decide the to be done on the basis of the epidemiological framework “, says Draghi in his introduction. “Vaccines remain the best defense against the virus. Three quarters of the deaths are unvaccinated.” . We have given 15.6 million third doses, I invite all citizens to take the third dose: it is the priority. The scientific evidence tells us that the vaccine works very well against the new variants, “he says.” I have said several times. that we must defend the normality reached. This means no closures, school in the presence, satisfying sociality. To do this, we must take all possible precautions “, reiterates Draghi, answering the questions.” And in the control room we will talk about this: in front of the high contagiousness of the variant, what can be done to slow down its spread? For example, the use of outdoor masks, already foreseen in case of large gatherings. The use of Ffp2 masks in certain environments i closed. The application of the tampon is not excluded, there is a period in which the protection of the first 2 doses decreases rapidly and the third dose has not yet been done: in that period a tampon can be useful to see if you are positive. They are all systems to try to slow down the spread of the virus: every decision will be guided by data, not by politics “.” The communication on the green pass and the super green pass “developed on the basis of” what was the knowledge at that time. moment, it was never meant to guarantee immunity after its expiration or the expiration of the second dose. It was found that the second dose of the “vaccine” declines faster than initially thought, which will lead tomorrow to discuss whether to shorten the duration of the green pass. It has become somewhat emphatically an instrument of freedom “, says the premier. GOVERNMENT” My personal destinies count for absolutely nothing. I have no particular aspirations of one kind or another, I am a man, if you want a grandfather, at the service of the institutions “, says Draghi, answering a question about the future of the executive.” The responsibility for the decision – he highlights – lies entirely in the in the hands of political forces, not in the hands of individuals: it would be an offense to Italy, which is much more than individual people. The greatness of the country is not determined by this or that individual but by a complex of forces, people and political support that allow us to go in the right direction. “” We have achieved three great results. We made Italy one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, we delivered the NRR on time and reached the 51 goals. We have created the conditions for continuing the work on the NRP. The government has created these conditions regardless of who will be there (at the helm, ed): the important thing is that the government is supported by a majority like the one that supported this government, and it is as large as possible. It is a majority that I want to thank very much “, says Draghi.” The government begins with the call of President Mattarella, a call of the highest order, which has translated into constant support and closeness to government action. But the daily responsibility of government action lies with Parliament, continuation of government lies with Parliament “, he says.” It is Parliament that decides the life of the government and will always decide it. The Constitution provides for a parliamentary government, the results have been possible because there is Parliament, which decides the life of the executive “. ECONOMY, PNRR, MANEUVER” The government remains ready to support the economy in the event of a slowdown, the challenge the main one remains to increase the long-term growth rate “. growth is” over 6% “and employment” has restarted “, continues the premier, who claims:” Today I can tell you that they have achieved all 51 goals “of the Pnrr” which we had agreed with the Commission “and” the operational agreement is under discussion in the Commission “. Government, Regions and Local Bodies” are moving with determination and strength, the process is long and complex, but at the same time there is no reason to fear that we can do well in the future “.” Satisfaction and responsibility are collective categories “to be ascribed to the” merit of the Italians “, he continued with regard to the certificates that come from the international community on the results of the Village. In the press conference at the end of the year, the Prime Minister therefore warned that “it is necessary to demonstrate that the trust of other countries in Italy is well placed” with regard to the measures envisaged by the Pnrr.Esauthorized Parliament with the maneuver? “Undoubtedly there has been trouble over the approval of the maneuver, which has happened many times in the past few years,” he says, answering a question about the timing of approval of the maneuver and the parliamentary discussion of the budget law. “There was a very long political confrontation – he claims – Minister Franco discussed for weeks the destination of the 8 billion, to have an immediate agreement on these funds” with the political forces, “after this confrontation there was a confrontation in the cabin director and then in CDM “so I would say that” the period of dialogue with political forces was not compressed in the initial stages “. After the CDM, the government received all the presidents of the parliamentary groups, there was no lack of opportunities for a confrontation , which led to the government’s amendment, which incorporated the demands derived from the confrontation “. Meanwhile, continues Draghi, the government found the funds to extend the super bonus by 110%, overcoming the initial reluctance due to the fact that these measures “they have created distortions”, starting with an “extraordinary increase in the prices of components related to renovations” and emissions, yes, they go down, “but not so much as to absorb the increase in prices”, he explains, adds ndo another reason for initial opposition: the system “has encouraged a lot of fraud”.
FAMILY “The collapse of the birth rate is one of the saddest events, the first commitment is to be able to own a home” for young people “much has been done by the government to allow them to have a home, starting with mortgages and significant financing “, the words on the theme of the demographic crisis. “Then we helped the woman – she says -. We reversed a path, we had a broad commitment to build nursery schools”. “Third point is the single family allowance, which is an extraordinary step”, adds the premier. “Significant progress has been made in the direction of the family, but a basic dissatisfaction remains”. “The precariousness of work is certainly one of the reasons why it is difficult to start a family, we will face the problem of job insecurity, whenever there is a crisis the first to be expelled from work are the precarious and women. Now we will move on. on the precarious front “, recalls Draghi.SPAZIO” Among the various initiatives we have undertaken is the Italian space strategy, which in total commits 4.5 billion euros. Italy will launch the largest European constellation of satellites for the ‘observation of the Earth in low orbit, important for environmental and climate protection and also for developing innovative business services. The name of the constellation will be proposed by young Italians with a competition at the beginning of 2022 and we will let our astronauts choose it, guided from Samantha Cristoforetti who will fly back into space next year, “said the Prime Minister. TIMSu Tim” I immediately said that there are three things that the government dev and to protect the future of Telecom’s corporate structure: employment, infrastructure and technology, because within the company there are first-rate realities. Now we have to see what is happening, because it is not yet clear what is happening but the corporate configuration that will be created or which will be achieved through the action of the current shareholders or through the government action will have to allow the achievement of these. three goals. Today the government is not in a position to say: I want to do this or not. There is no predetermined path, the previous situation is rapidly evolving “, explained Draghi.” The fixed point of government action is the protection of these three aspects “, remarked the Prime Minister.