Super bonus 110%, what changes in 2022

Superbonus 110%, for 2022 several news are coming. First of all, the elimination of the Isee roof of 25 thousand euros for the houses. As explained by the experts of the information and legal advice site The Law For All, this was decided by the Budget Commission of the Senate during the examination of the text of the 2022 maneuver. Furthermore, the law that linked the concession to the first home only . In practice, the owners of the houses have all 2022 of time to do the work without having to think about the roof of their assets. One condition, however, remains: “That of having completed – explain the experts – at least 30% of the works by the end of June 2022. Which is, however, an advantage compared to what had been previously decided, when 60% completion required “. But what are the news for the upcoming year? Here is the list in the summary drawn up by the experts. NEWS FOR 2022 The incentive for single-family homes and functionally independent units with independent access has been extended until 31 December 2022, for those who have carried out 30% of the work by June 2022; The 25 thousand euro Isee ceiling for the houses has been eliminated ; Removed the limit for those who had not submitted the Cila by September 2021 to be able to complete the work by December 2022; Possibility for the units located inside the condominiums to complete the “towed” works in line with the same deadlines that the condominium will have on the works of the common parts; The deadline for the “towed” interventions that provide for the installation of photovoltaic solar panels and the columns for recharging electric cars has been extended to December 2023; The Dei price list has also been introduced for ordinary bonuses (eco-bonus 65% and restructuring 50%); Extension of the restructuring bonuses to RSA and non-profit organization; Deduction of 75% transferable for the removal of architectural barriers; Exemption from the obligation anti-fraud certification for eco-bonuses 65% and 50% for works worth up to 10 thousand euros; Extension until 2025 for interventions in municipalities affected by seismic events. The deduction covers expenses incurred by 31 December 2025.