Strike 16 December, Trenitalia: guaranteed trains, Trenord news

The general strike of December 16, 2021 risks stopping the trains as well. What is the situation of Trenitalia? Are there guaranteed trains? Will Trenord trains also be conditioned? During the national strike of the employees of the FS Italiane group proclaimed, in adherence to a general strike, from midnight to 9 pm some changes are planned to the circulation of Trenitalia trains, the FS group announces. On the basis of the current forecasts, the Arrows will circulate regularly, while changes are planned to the Intercity and Regional circulation program. However, all the journeys listed in the special tables of trains provided in the event of a strike, published on, will be guaranteed. For regional trains, essential services are guaranteed in the most frequented time slots, from 6 to 9 and from 18 to 21, and additional services that Trenitalia undertakes to ensure based on the progress of the strike. Information on connections and services will be available also through the Trenitalia app, the Infomobility section of the website, the social and web channels of the FS Italiane Group, the toll-free number 800 89 20 21, as well as in the ticket offices and assistance offices of the railway stations, at the self-service service and in affiliated travel agencies. Trenord stresses that the strike “may register participation by the staff of the Ferrovienord and Rfi infrastructure managers. For this reason, although Trenord is not involved in the agitation, the Lombard railway service may be subject to limitations or cancellations “. The company explains that there will be warranty bands, from 6 to 9 and from 18 to 21. All information on train traffic will be available on the pages of each line of the App and the Trenord website.