A weekend to change maneuver

Work continues on the maneuver, but outside the Senate Budget Committee. As the meetings unfold, the government and the majority ensure that government amendments are on the way. The stalemate in parliament is also evident by looking at today’s calendar of convocations: all the sessions scheduled for today in the Budget Committee have been canceled (except that of 20.30 in which, however, we should not talk about the budget bill). Meanwhile, in the afternoon a meeting was held at the Mef, in addition to those that follow one another at Palazzo Madama. For the moment, the 3.2 billion law decree for cutting bills and reducing social security contributions for the lowest incomes, expected today in the form of an amendment to the budget bill, has not yet arrived. And there is informal talk of the intention to proceed with an examination of the amendments concentrated over the next weekend, with the aim of arriving in the Chamber on 21 December. On some issues, assures the undersecretary for relations with the parliament Caterina Bini, an agreement has been found: school, superbonus, earthquake, Tosap, work and apprenticeship, autism, eating disorders, gender measures, the mobile bonus. While others remain to be defined. “We are scrolling, we are almost two thirds” of the amendments reported by the groups, says the president of the Senate Budget Committee, Daniele Pesco. And there are several issues on which a compromise is sought, as in the case of tax bills: one part of the majority asks for the reopening of the scrapping or the introduction of new fiscal peace instruments, while another part is absolutely against it. Given the lack of resources, which should be found by removing a portion of the 8 billion earmarked for the Irap and Irpef cuts, the most possible solution could be an intervention that does not involve charges: the postponement of the sending of roles, which however it could not formally enter the budget bill because it has no effect on the budget.