Digital, 16.5% Italians do not go on the internet: the Censis data

16.5% of Italians are not Internet users, 11.1% have a connection that malfunctioned in the pandemic, 27 million users of digital devices find it difficult to carry out digital activities at home, in tight spaces , parts of the house without a connection or network overbooked due to overcrowding. This is what emerges from the Third Censis-Tendercapital Report ‘Inclusion and social exclusion: what the pandemic will leave us’. According to the study, 16.5 million users of digital devices have difficulty using them because they do not have their own or because they are not adequate for their needs. In addition, 12 million have problems using smartphones or WhatsApp or managing emails, while 12.4 million have them in activities such as browsing social networks or managing video meetings.