Miceli (Cnappc): “Sismabonus useful for safety”

“With today we underline the need to develop a culture of prevention that concerns both citizens and public assets. A culture of prevention that means monitoring and implementing evaluation measures that must be transformed into concrete actions to give a secure heritage to citizens and public places “. Thus the president of the National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservators, Francesco Miceli, on the sidelines of the National Conference organized on the occasion of the IV National Day of Seismic Prevention which is being held at Palazzo Ferrajoli in Rome.” The state of the Italian building stock does not reassure us because about 60 per cent do not have the conditions to withstand a seismic event of a certain intensity. Hence the need to implement the interventions also using the tools made available such as the Sismabonus to make the territory from insecure to safe. To do this, we need to introduce a strategy that uses the various tools and therefore all the building bonuses together with a strategy of urban regeneration of the areas “, he concluded, answering the question concerning the state of the Italian heritage.