Frascarelli: “With ‘Ismea invests’ opportunities for growth in agri-food companies”

“Ismea has among its statutory tasks the development of Italian agri-food companies. With this tool, ‘Ismea Investe’, we have decided to favor the capitalization of companies through equity, quasi-equity, bond loans and shareholdings in companies to favor them growth and development on the international but also internal market. The call is open until January 14, 2022 and therefore all companies that have development goals can participate in the call to finance investment projects “. Thus, interviewed by Adnkronos / Labitalia, the president of Ismea, Angelo Frascarelli (VIDEO). Read also An important growth opportunity for the entire sector. “We address – Frascarelli explains – to the entire Italian agri-food chain: from primary production to transformation to distribution. The priority objective is to encourage investments, in this phase of ecological and digital transition, especially in those sectors where growth is more promising, for example in fruit and vegetables where there is a strong market demand, with new processed products and new marketing channels “, he underlines. The ultimate goal is the qualitative leap for agri-food companies. “There is a historically known difficulty for Italian companies which is that of under-sizing. With this tool we want to encourage dimensional growth and faster development to increase turnover and employment”, concludes Frascarelli.

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