Pa, Impatta launches the new figure of the Public innovation manager

Public innovation manager. It is the new professional figure that should aim to ‘change towards’ the Italian PA outlined today by Impatta. But not only. The network of companies for the development of innovative projects with a positive economic, social and environmental impact during a brainstorming today in Rome, at the Casa del Cinema, also launched the manifesto for public innovation management in Italy with the horizon of respond to the need to make the public administration more efficient by meeting the epochal challenge of the NRP. The Impatta Project Managers Davide D’Arcangelo, expert in innovation, industrial policies, corporate finance, European funds and Vice President of Impatta, and Pierluigi Sassi focused on the new figure of the public innovation manager as the driver of a renewed public administration. , innovation manager accredited to Mise, researcher accredited by the European Community and Italian president of the NGO Earth Day recognized by the General Secretariat of the United Nations. On stage with D’Arcangelo and Sassi there were, among others, the Undersecretary of State for European policies and affairs, Vincenzo Amendola, the president of Confindustria Digitale, Agostino Santoni, and the Councilor of the Campania Region for Research , innovation and startups, Valeria Fascione. “The public innovation manager – explained D’Arcangelo – is not only an accelerator for the PA but can open up to a new industrial chain, that of Gov-tech, creating tools that can simplify bureaucracy and convey a new culture in institutions local, new standards and technologies at the service of the public administration “. And, in this context, Councilor Fascione stressed that “the Campania Region is working hard on the issue of digital skills”. “The public innovation manager represents an enabling figure, a real facilitator” observed Fascione. Campania, he assured, “has welcomed the strong demand for innovation bearing in mind that the PA has three levels of priority: new staff, basic digital skills, awareness of the role of managers. Today the Region is an entity that acts as an aggregator” . “We need to continue to change the public administration in a profound way” also “by structuring it differently” and “the proposal of an innovative managing goes in this direction” commented, in conversation with Adnkronos, the Undersecretary of State for policies and European affairs, Vincenzo Amendola, who spoke at the discussion promoted by Impatta. “The Government with the great work of ministers Renato Brunetta and Vittorio Colao has given life – between simplification and recruitment decrees – to a new profound change in the Public Administration that does not mean ‘digitizing the bureaucracy’ but transforming the machine at the service of citizens and businesses “noted Amendola. For the president of Confindustria Digitale, Agostino Santoni, “simplicity, programmability, openness and security” are “the characteristics of winning companies that can also be exported to the Public Administration and are characteristics of the leadership of a public innovation manager”. “Never before has the dialogue between public and private had so fundamental importance” Santoni pointed out in conversation with Adnkrons at the end of the event. Santoni also remarked that “after years of lack of investment, our sector is finally called to transform the country and the PA through innovation. Now there are the resources and a strong will of the government to do so”. Finally, the president of Confindustria Digitale stressed that “our sector is strongly mobilized by ensuring skills, technologies and professionals to accelerate the digital, sustainable and inclusive change of Italian society and economy”.

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