Pa, Brunetta: “Everyone at work, better than private on smart working”

“Contrary to the private sector, public employees in smart working have all returned to work, in the private sector they have not. So from this point of view we have been better than the private one”. This was stated by the minister for Pa Renato Brunetta on the sidelines of the National Statistics Conference, underway at Istat. “More than half of the bank employees are still in smart working and do not want to return – he added – in the PA we are providing rules to be able to do all the smart working that the 32 thousand public administrations will want to do freely. From this point of view we are most advanced in the sector and I tell my friend President of Confindustria “. As for the guidelines that will be presented to the trade unions, the minister summarized in key points: “In the first place, we need an employment contract and we have defined it, then an IT platform and we have codified it, and then rules and organization of work by objectives that adapt to this type of agile work and another fundamental thing is that agile remote work is done to better serve citizens and businesses, not just to make employees feel better, because there are public workers as well as private ones to produce wealth , income and quality services “.” For this reason – concluded Brunetta – I proudly say that we are more advanced than the private sector, we have defined the rules and from the end of January all the administrations that want to do an agile work on the basis of voluntariness and an employment contract stipulated, on the basis of a secure technological platform and on precise rules of customer satisfaction, satisfaction and the final customer “.

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