Covid: Stoppani (Fipe): “priority is not to close, yes to vaccination obligation and a reinforced green pass”

“We have a priority and that is not to close. We have already given and we cannot go back because this would have a devastating effect for us and our supply chain. This is why we are in favor of both the introduction of the vaccination obligation and also the reinforced green pass. that goes in this direction “. This was stated at Adnkronos by Lino Enrico Stoppani, the president of Fipe Confcommercio. “The current situation – explains Stoppani – is worrying in Europe but also in Italy where infections are increasing. A strengthening of measures such as the strengthened green pass make it possible to reduce the infection curve”. These restrictive measures and these limitations to the unvaccinated, explains Stoppani, “have a double objective: the first of not closing and the second of strengthening the vaccination plan”. These indications “are consistent and go in the direction of the promises made to avoid a new lockdown”. Of course, he adds, “we would like to return to full normality but at this stage there are only two ways: either we return to a lockdown which, as Austria and Germany show, is unfortunately not such a strange hypothesis, or we can increase the number of vaccinated people”.

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