With ID InfoCamere the digital identity is in the Chamber of Commerce

The digital identity services of the Chamber of Commerce Certification Authority, Id InfoCamere, are now operational for all entrepreneurs and professionals in the area. Through the new InfoCamere platform, accredited since July 2020 as a Qualified trust service provider of the Italian chamber system, therefore a certification body recognized at European level for the provision of trust services and for the issue of digital signature, the chambers of commerce provision of the production fabric a complete kit of technologically advanced tools, safe and simple to use to fully enter the digital economy and increase efficiency and competitiveness. “With the new service offered by ID InfoCamere – said the president of InfoCamere, Lorenzo Tagliavanti – the Chamber system reaffirms its role alongside companies as the last mile on the path towards digital transformation, making a wealth of knowledge available to the territory. the result of over forty years of investment in innovation. Even in the wake of the pandemic crisis, which acted as an accelerator of change, businesses and professional activities of all sizes and sectors have understood the urgency of embracing digitalisation “. “The chamber system – he explained – has met this need by supporting and supporting companies with indispensable tools to safeguard the business and increase efficiency. In this scenario, ID InfoCamere can represent the passe-partout with which to fully enter the digital economy by increasing one’s competitiveness “. Through the portal https://id.infocamere.it it is possible to request, manage and renew one’s signature with digital identity: an indispensable tool for signing contracts, purchase orders and specific agreements ( for example partnerships or confidentiality agreements); minutes of meetings or boards of directors and company financial statements; insurance policies and loan applications; requests for vouchers and concessions; communications and obligations to public administrations and much more. With the token digital dna, smart card or remote signature solutions it is possible to authenticate and access the numerous digital services made available by the Chambers of Commerce, including the entrepreneur’s digital drawer (impresa.italia.it), electronic invoicing, digital books , company register (searches and requests), legal entity identifier, praetorian register, financial statements filing, suap / sue. Without forgetting the services of other administrations such as, for example, INPS, Agenzia delle Entrate and Inail.

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