Citizenship income, meeting at Palazzo Chigi

Meeting at Palazzo Chigi on citizenship income. According to Adnkronos from authoritative government sources, this morning Prime Minister Mario Draghi will see Labor Minister Andrea Orlando and the head of the M5s delegation in the government Stefano Patuanelli at Palazzo Chigi – around 11 am to take stock of citizenship income , refinanced in the budget law, which should arrive in the Senate tomorrow, but the subject of some corrections. The undersecretary to the Prime Minister Roberto Garofoli and some members of the Mef will also take part in this morning’s meeting. “The 5 Star Movement has been the promoter of some changes” in the citizenship income which “is already the most controlled measure of all, and the INPS data are evident: more than one million and 400 thousand applications have not been accepted because those who have made a request he had no right “, said yesterday the Minister for Agricultural Policies Stefano Patuanelli. Of citizenship income” there is a lot of talk about it because politically it is a measure that has an obvious hat, has a political force that has proposed and defended it and when that political force is opposed, it is also opposed on the merits of things it has done trying to highlight the negative things and not the positive ones “, he added. “The citizenship income has allowed us to face the pandemic phase with an income support tool necessary to avoid social tensions, greater than those we see today in the squares. After that, the controls certainly needed to be improved”, he concluded. In addition, Patuanelli believes that “the incidence of false invalids on invalidity pensions is an enormously higher number than those of citizenship income, no one has ever talked about abrogating pensions just because someone is being smart. they strike the smart ones. And it is right that it should be so “.” Brothers of Italy requests urgent information to Minister Orlando to clarify the undue perceptions of citizenship income “, said yesterday speaking in the Chamber the group leader of the Brothers of Italy to the Camera, Francesco Lollobrigida. “Anyone who illegally obtains this support steals from honest Italians. On several occasions the FDI has asked for preventive checks, so that the DRC does not end up in the pockets of those who do not have the right to receive it: all our amendments, however, have been rejected. Today, on the part of those who have used this provision to create consensus and not to fight poverty, it is necessary to clarify ”, concluded Lollobrigida.

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