Whirlpool, Naples Court rejects appeal: off to layoffs

The Court of Naples rejects the appeal for anti-union conduct presented by Fim Fiom and Uilm against Whrilpool for the closure of the site in via Argine, thus making the dismissal of the 320 workers of the Campania plant enforceable. The sentence came this morning a few hours from the beginning of the assembly convened by the unions at the Naples site and supported by a 2-hour strike at the end of the shift of the Cassinetta plant in Varese after the last black smoke at Mise that in recent days he had not been able to find the right place to guarantee the continuity of employment of the workers. The company had therefore begun to send, yesterday, the first letters of dismissal, confirming until the end of November also the incentive of 85 thousand euros for the voluntary exodus the possibility of keeping the job with the transfer to Varese at the Cassinetta site. . Read also

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