Insurance ‘Furbetti’, for 90% Italians it is right to use Ztl, speed cameras, Telepass and Tutor to find them

Nearly nine out of ten people believe it is right to use Telepass, Speed ​​Cameras, Ztl and Tutor to discover ‘crafty’ motorists and motorcyclists driving without insurance. From a Prima Assicurazioni survey commissioned to Nielsen, it emerges that 88.9% of respondents agree with Ivass and Ania, who propose to amend the law to allow the use of remote detectors, appropriately approved, to have constant control over the territory. According to an estimate by Ania, there are approximately 2.6 million uninsured vehicles in circulation in Italy, with a failure to collect premiums for insurance companies of approximately 1 billion euros. Looking at the total number of respondents, using Telepass, Speed ​​Cameras, Ztl and Tutor is absolutely right for 61.2%, while 27.7% agree on the use provided it occurs within certain limits that guarantee the protection of the privacy of motorists. . Of those against, 8.7% would prefer less invasive measures to combat tax evasion and 2.4% believe the measure to be wrong or ineffective, should it be implemented. “The results that the survey returns do not surprise us, on the contrary, they confirm that Italians have a civic sense and that they recognize in TPL auto a necessary protection factor for themselves and for others and, as such, it must not be circumvented “, commented Giacomo Testa, Head of Analytics at Prima Assicurazioni. “We agree – he continued – on the opportunity to also use technology to stem a problem such as that of tax evasion which not only represents an economic damage for the sector, but above all a risk for people”.

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