Inps, Tridico: “With the reform of the shock absorbers ready to extend the new Covid cash platform”

“The government with Minister Orlando is preparing the regulatory reform on social safety nets and will find the Institute and INPS technological innovation ready. We plan to extend this management of the Covid layoffs that we are presenting today also to the ordinary layoffs and to the Fis in the new modalities since they will come into force in the coming months. And therefore this platform will be an example “. This was stated by the president of INPS, Pasquale Tridico, presenting the new platform for the management of social safety nets at Palazzo Wedekind in Rome. “This new platform of the Institute – Tridico reiterated – is only the beginning for the management of the unique integrated social safety nets that will probably arrive in the regulatory reform in full swing next year and which will therefore find us ready to welcome them on this new platform”, he concluded.