Giovannini: “The infrastructure projects contained in the NRP will be sustainable”

“Italy takes seriously the commitments contained in the NRP: infrastructure projects will not damage the environment; they will therefore be sustainable”. Thus the Minister of Infrastructures and Sustainable Mobility Enrico Giovannini in the speech to the General States of the green economy underway in Rimini in the frame of Ecomondo. “The new infrastructures – he underlines – will be made with a view to sustainability, circular economy and citizen involvement”. Thanks to the investments, Giovannini adds, “we bring the high-speed train to 9 million people, of which 6 in the South”. A set of projects “conceived in a logic of interconnection that connects airports, trains, and freight yards”. A change that will affect “all modes of transport”. All projects, including those of the Budget Law, “must have not only an economic feasibility plan”, they must “indicate how they contribute to reducing emissions, to the consumption of materials”, to the abatement of gender and territorial inequalities, without forget the importance of public debate and the involvement of local communities, the latter aspect which “must not be an accessory, but is a piece of democracy”. The vision of the NRP is not limited to the Plan, it continues “with the law of Budget “, a path” that also represents a challenge for businesses. The budget law continues Pnrr investments after 2026 “.