Pensions, government-union rupture

“The meeting did not go well”. The UIL leader, Pierpaolo Bombardieri, spoke first after the meeting between the government and trade unions on pensions and Maneuver 2022 last night. In the words of the trade unionist, the break that occurred at the table with Prime Minister Draghi after the no of Cgil Cisl and Uil to a return to the Fornero law, albeit postponed over the years. “There is not even a choice on pensions: neither 102 nor 104, there is only the choice of allocating 600 million for the extension of the Woman Option and the social Ape. There are no answers to those who paid for 41 years contributions regardless of age, there are no answers on the necessary overall reforms “, explains Bombardieri, who explains how now” forms and means of mobilization to solicit adequate choices “will be evaluated in the coming days. Read also “If they go towards a good decision, if they want to confront us, we are ready to do it day and night. If it does not happen in the next few days, after we evaluate what the government does, we will decide the most suitable mobilization initiatives in the relationship with CISL and UIL ”, echoes the secretary of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini, for whom “there is a need to cancel and modify forms of work that no longer make sense and it is time to build a form of work based on on training and stability. This is the condition for determining a pension system that stands up “, the trade unionist underlines. During the meeting at Palazzo Chigi, the government” reiterated that the perimeter presented “for pensions” provides for 600 million of expenditure, with 600 million you do not make a reform worthy of the name. They confirmed to us that at the moment those are the decisions they have taken “. He speaks of” the lack of answers on pensions, the lack of funding for non-self-sufficiency, and the lack of answers on the issue of tax reform “the CISL leader Luigi Sbarra after the ‘meeting, shortcomings that “lead us to consider the discussion with the government on the maneuver highly insufficient.” Pensions, he says, “cannot be considered a detail in the general accounting of the State: they are not only an economic cost but above all a problem of sustainability social. And it is wrong to consider them a luxury, a privilege or a gift: they are a fundamental right after an intense work activity. This is why we asked for an exit at the age of 62. “Waiting to understand what, and if there will be, news on the demands of the trade unions, CGIL, CISL and UIL are preparing for the protest.