VIDEO. Energy: how the increase in the price of fuel is causing the bills of the French to explode – Franceinfo



France 2
Article written by

J. Duponchel, P.Montels, P.Goldmann – France 2

France Televisions

The rise in oil prices is weighing on the budget of motorists and that of households which are still heated with fuel. His price has reached its 2012 level: more than one euro per liter.

On the roads of the Somme, a truck swallows several hundred kilometers a day. Its cargo? Liters of fuel oil, a fuel that has seen its price soar, to the dismay of consumers. The bearer of bad news for a few days is Tony Watleb, fuel delivery man for 20 years. He just paid 905 liters to a retiree, billed 20% more than last year. “It’s more than my retirement, I can’t heat less because I’m 87 years old, but it’s difficult “, explains the latter.

The price of fuel oil is catching up to its 2012 level: more than one euro per liter. The amount of the bills is soaring, and some Tony Watleb customers can no longer afford to fill up with fuel for the winter. “It hurts a lot to my heart when I see some old people who can’t heat themselves, it makes me really sad“, says the delivery man.

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