Covid today Italy, 2,494 infections and 49 deaths: bulletin 12 October

2,494 Covid test positives identified in the 24 hours out of 315,285 swabs carried out with a positivity index of 0.8%. The data in the bulletin of 12 October of the Civil Protection and the Ministry of Health. There are also 49 other deaths. Read also The number of hospitalized patients with symptoms decreased by 23, totaling 2,665. Intensive care admissions also drop by 4 units, 370 in total. Since the beginning of the emergency, 4,704,318 people have been infected by Covid-19, while the victims are 131,384. There are 4,490,388 healed to date, 3,997 in the last 24 hours. SICILY Regions data – There are 273 new coronavirus infections today 12 October 2021 in Sicily, according to data from the latest Covid-19 bulletin of the Region. Another 12 deaths were recorded, with new positive cases recorded on 13,879 swabs processed. On the island there are 878 patients discharged or healed in the last 24 hours. The total of positives is 10,036 – 617 fewer than yesterday – and of these 340 are hospitalized in the ordinary regime, 39 in intensive care with no new admissions and 9,657 are in home isolation. LAZIO – There are 221 new coronavirus infections today 12 October 2021 in Lazio, according to data from the latest bulletin. There are another 3 deaths. Today in Lazio, “out of 9,344 molecular swabs and 12,728 antigenic swabs for a total of 22,072 swabs, 221 new positive cases are recorded (+33); 3 deaths (-2), 344 hospitalized (-17), 48 therapies intensive (-3) and 247 recovered. The ratio between positives and swabs is 1%. Cases in Rome city are at 112. Deaths, hospitalizations and intensive care are decreasing “reports the councilor for Health and Social and Health Integration , Alessio D’Amato, in the bulletin at the end of today’s videoconference of the regional task force for Covid-19 with the general managers of ASL and hospitals, university polyclinics and the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital. “in Lazio over 31 thousand doses have been administered to over 80s” and “4 thousand over 60s who have received the second dose for at least 180 days have already been booked”. As for the anti-Covid vaccination campaign, in Lazio “over 90% of the adult population and 84% of over 12 who have completed the vaccination course exceeded. Lazio has vaccination coverage rates among the highest in Europe”, concludes D’Amato.CAMPANIA – There are 208 new infections from Coronavirus today 12 October in Campania, according to the covid-19 data of the latest bulletin of the Region. In the last 48 hours there have been 5 deaths, a sixth previously but recorded only yesterday. Since yesterday, 17,829 swabs have been made. In Campania there are 18 Covid patients hospitalized in intensive care and 177 those hospitalized in hospital wards.EMILIA ROMAGNA – There are 157 new infections from Coronavirus today 12 October in Emilia Romagna, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 2 deaths since yesterday. In the last 24 hours, 25,114 swabs were processed. Since yesterday 143 have healed in the Region. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been 13,526 victims in Emilia Romagna. 42 ICUs are employed, while 338 patients are hospitalized in Covid ordinary wards. The average age of new positives today is 34.9 years. 14,670 people in home isolation. Among the provinces with the highest number of new cases Ravenna at 46, followed by Bologna at 37, Reggio Emilia at 17, Rimini at 12, Parma and Cesena, both at 9, and Modena at 8.SARDINIA – 43 new infections coronavirus in Sardinia according to today’s bulletin, 12 October. There are also 2 other deaths: it is a 95-year-old man, residing in the Province of Southern Sardinia, and a 100-year-old woman, residing in the Province of Sassari. 1,649 people tested and 10,204 swabs processed between molecular and antigenic in the last 24 hours. The patients admitted to the intensive care units are 12 (1 less than yesterday), 76 (-1) those in the medical area. There are 1,597 people in home isolation (40 fewer than yesterday) .BASILICATA – In Basilicata there are 20 new cases of contagion from Sars Cov-2 (all residents), out of a total of 686 molecular swabs, and one death is recorded for Covid-19. These are the data from the regional bulletin of the task force referring to the last 24 hours. The deceased person resided in Ginestra. There are 28 healed or negativized Lucanians. 26 (+2) hospitalized in the hospitals of Potenza and Matera, none of which are in intensive care, while the current positives residing in Basilicata are 1,146 (-9) VALLE D’AOSTA – None death and six new coronavirus infections in Valle D’Aosta today, Tuesday 12 October 2021, according to the covid data of the region’s bulletin. The total number of people affected by the virus, therefore, from the beginning of the emergency to today, is 12,213. The current positives are 105 of which 104 in home isolation and one hospitalized. The total cases tested are currently 88,151 while the swabs carried out to date are 198,019. There are 11 new healed, bringing the overall total to 11,634. The deaths of people tested positive for the virus from the beginning of the epidemic to today in Valle d’Aosta are 474.CALABRIA – There are 170 new coronavirus infections in Calabria according to today’s bulletin, 12 October. No deaths, however, in the last 24 hours. 2,983 swabs performed, +193 cured. 1,425 the total number of deaths in the Region since the beginning of the pandemic. The bulletin also records -23 currently positive, -18 in isolation, -6 hospitalized and, finally, +1 intensive care (for a total of 11) .PUGLIA – There are 118 coronavirus infections in Puglia today, Tuesday 12 October 2021, according to the covid data of the regional bulletin. There are 7 deaths. New cases were identified on 12,299 swabs. There are 25 infections in the province of Bari, 24 in that of Foggia. Currently positive people in Puglia are 2,312. There are 135 covid patients hospitalized in a non-critical area. In intensive care, on the other hand, 20 sick people. of the Eugenio Giani Region. 19,197 tests performed, of which 7,445 molecular swabs and 11,752 rapid tests. The rate of new positives is 0.70% (2.3% on first diagnoses). Recorded 4 deaths. There are 232 hospitalized (13 fewer than yesterday), of which 25 in intensive care (stable). New cases are 0.05% more than the previous day’s total. The healed grow by 0.1% and reach 271,907 (95.5% of total cases). The currently positive are today 5,632, -1.9% compared to yesterday.FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – There are 61 coronavirus infections in Friuli Venezia Giulia today, Tuesday 12 October 2021, according to the covid data of the region’s bulletin. 4,233 molecular swabs were performed, from which 56 new infections were detected with a positive percentage of 1.32%, and 7,190 rapid antigenic tests, from which 5 cases (0.07%) were detected. The death of a 78-year-old girl from Tolmezzo occurred in her home; 9 people remain hospitalized in intensive care and 47 patients in other departments ABRUZZO – There are 56 (aged between 3 and 86 years) the new positive cases of Covid registered today in Abruzzo, which bring the total from the beginning of the ’emergency to 81,685. The total is lower as a case was subtracted, communicated in recent days, resulting in a duplicate. This was communicated by the Regional Health Department. The death toll of patients records 1 new case and rises to 2550 (it is an 86 year old from the province of Chieti, whose death dates back to recent days, but was only communicated today by the ASL). The number of positive cases also includes 77740 discharged / healed (+74 compared to yesterday). In the last 24 hours, 3065 molecular swabs (1438439 in total since the start of the emergency) and 4408 antigenic tests (879273) were performed. The positivity rate, calculated on the sum of molecular swabs and antigenic tests of the day, is equal to 0.74 PIEDMONT – There are 189 new infections from Coronavirus today 12 October in Piedmont, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been two deaths since yesterday. The positivity rate is 0.6% of 29,842 processed swabs, of which 23,785 are antigenic. Of the 189 new cases, 120 asymptomatic cases are equal to 63.5%. There are 19 hospitalized in intensive care, unchanged from yesterday. Non-intensive care patients are 183, 4 more than yesterday. There are 3,013 people in home isolation. LOMBARDY – There are 306 new infections from Coronavirus today 12 October in Lombardy, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 3 deaths in the last 24 hours. The positivity rate is 0.4% with 61,739 processed swabs. There are 56 patients in intensive care, one more than yesterday. The number of people hospitalized in the other wards for Covid rose to 333, 8 more than yesterday. In Milan and its province there are 106 cases, of which 29 in Milan city. In Monza there are 48, in Bergamo 37, in Brescia 41. Lower numbers in Varese, where there are 16 new cases, 8 in Como, 12 in Cremona, 3 in Lecco, 1 in Lodi, 4 in Mantua, 18 in Pavia and only one in Sondrio LIGURIA – There are 59 new infections from Coronavirus today 12 October in Liguria, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There has been no death in the past 24 hours. Since yesterday, 2,922 molecular swabs and 5,167 antigenic swabs have been made. In the last 24 hours there have been 79 healed. The intensive care units employed are 6 like yesterday, 50 hospitalized, 5 less than yesterday. There are 830 people in home isolation, 49 fewer than yesterday.