Covid today Emilia Romagna, 157 infections and 2 deaths: bulletin 12 October

There are 157 new infections from Coronavirus today 12 October in Emilia Romagna, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 2 deaths since yesterday. In the last 24 hours, 25,114 swabs were processed. Since yesterday 143 have healed in the Region. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been 13,526 victims in Emilia Romagna. There are 42 intensive care units employed, while 338 patients are hospitalized in the ordinary Covid wards. The average age of new positives today is 34.9 years. 14,670 people in home isolation. Among the provinces with the highest number of new cases Ravenna at 46, followed by Bologna at 37, Reggio Emilia at 17, Rimini at 12, Parma and Cesena, both at 9, and Modena at 8.