The warnings have been fulfilled. Šalianske Duslo shuts down production. – Companies and markets –

One of the most important chemical companies in Slovakia, Šalske Duslo, currently produces only to a technical minimum, part of the production is completely shut down. The general director of the factory, Petr Bláha, informed about it. The reason is a substantial and sharp rise in gas prices.

The Italian company employs two thousand people and is the largest consumer of natural gas in Slovakia, accounting for 11 percent of nationwide consumption. For Duslo, it is a basic raw material, from which it subsequently produces ammonia and then other products.

“Certainly nothing good awaits us,” Bláha assessed the current situation. According to him, gas prices change by one hundred percent within an hour. “We have started to generate a brutal loss,” the CEO confirmed, noting that they still retain all employees. Fertilizer production is currently stopped practically throughout Europe. “The train is missing,” he thinks.

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Duslo is one of the most important companies in the chemical industry in Slovakia. It is part of the international concern Agrofert, operating in the chemical industry, agriculture and food industry. In 2005, Duslo acquired shares in Istrochem, as and since January 1, 2006, Istrochem has been a part of it. The factory has developed into a fertilizer manufacturer of European importance and a global supplier of rubber chemicals.

Last year, the company achieved a pre-tax profit of almost 11.5 million euros. Despite the current corona crisis, the chemical giant managed to secure a slight year-on-year increase in profit by 876 thousand. eur. However, according to published data, the factory’s sales fell by 11.3% to EUR 353.1 million. The volume of investments attacked 35 million euros.