Green pass October 15, Andreoni: “Too many risks with a 72 hour buffer”

Countdown to October 15 when the mandatory Green pass to enter work will start “and I do not think we can think of extending the duration of the validity of the antigen tests for the Green pass to 72 hours, it is not an acceptable safety margin for a test that already has a lower sensitivity than the Pcr buffer “. Massimo Andreoni, head of Infectivology at the Tor Vergata Polyclinic in Rome and scientific director of the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (Simit), is a drastic no to the hypothesis of a possible extension of the duration of the tests to obtain the Green pass . “Thinking of moving to 72 hours means running the risk of missing some asymptomatic positive and we cannot afford it – underlines Adnkronos Salute Andreoni – Personally I would not feel like considering this hypothesis for antigenic texts”. On the possibility of an extension to the deadline of October 15 proposed by the Regions, the infectious disease specialist points out “that there was time to organize and the fact that today it is said that they are not ready leaves me perplexed, and then – he concludes – there is an operational machine capable of performing hundreds of thousands of tests “.

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