The third wave attacks: A BIG OVERVIEW of the most important changes! Measures are stricter, COVID is already spreading community –

The worst situation is currently in Stará Ľubovňa, it has significantly worsened in Stropkov. The reason is mainly celebrations or weddings. As for hospitalizations, it is the worst in the Žilina region and in Kysucie. It seems that the third wave has already hit, but it will probably not show up in full force until a few weeks later. In connection with the bad situation, the Public Health Office amended some rules at borders or in establishments.

VIDEO There is a high level of community spread of COVID in dozens of districts: Weddings and celebrations are the reason for the deteriorating situation

New division of DISTRICT: We already have 16 burgundies! Weddings, celebrations or fitness only for the vaccinated

COVID is spreading in the community, they probably won’t catch all the positive ones

There is a high level of community spread of the new coronavirus in 38 districts. Matej Mišík, director of the Institute of Health Analyzes of the Ministry of Health, informed about it at Thursday’s press conference. In up to five districts, the positivity of PCR tests exceeds 25 percent. “We probably can’t catch all the positives,” said the head of IZA.

Mišík pointed out that a quarter of the positive ones were persons under the age of 18 during the last week, although they have a 19 percent share in the population. The highest seven-day incidence of PCR tests was in the district of Stará Ľubovňa.

The third wave attacks: The Great

“There was an increase compared to last week, there was also a significant increase in Stropkov,” stated. According to Mišík, the reason for the deteriorating epidemic situation is weddings and celebrations to which people travel across Slovakia in combination with low vaccinations in the affected areas.

The third wave attacks: The Great

The situation, on the other hand, is improving in the Skalica district. This could be moved from the burgundy to the red phase of the COVID machine next time.

VIDEO According to Prime Minister Heger, the pandemic situation is getting worse: We expected it because vaccination coverage is low

The number of hospitalized is increasing

Rescuers’ trips to positive patients increased again. Most in the Žilina, Košice and Prešov regions. “The worst situation in terms of hospitalizations and trips is in the Žilina region,” warned Mišík.

The third wave attacks: The Great

According to him, hospitals in this region reach a 30 percent occupancy rate compared to the maximum from the previous wave. In Kysucie, Stará Ľubovňa or Bardejov, hospitals are at half the maximum of the last wave.

The third wave attacks: The Great

About 15,000 first-time vaccinated have been added over the past week. “This is a slight decrease compared to the week before,” he added that 185,000 people are still unvaccinated over the age of 70.

The third wave attacks: The Great

On average, hospitals admitted an average of 80 people with the new coronavirus. “A large part of this income was made up of unvaccinated people, which is also nice evidence of the effectiveness of vaccines,” he added.

The third wave attacks: The Great

The third wave attacks: The Great

The third dose is not needed for vaccinees who have passed COVID

Registration for the third dose vaccination has started in Slovakia. The third dose of COVID-19 vaccine people with weakened immunity can get it for four weeks after the second, as it is part of the basic vaccination schedule. For the other groups, it is a booster dose, which can be given after six months at the earliest. This was stated on Thursday by Alena Koščálová from the council of experts.

The third wave attacks: The Great

All immunocompromised people are entitled to the third dose. Their vaccination should be started first. They can already ask their doctor to confirm that they belong to a risk group. Some patients will be notified by text message.

The third wave attacks: The Great

The booster dose is intended for people over 55 years of age, people with high-risk diseases that can mean a severe course of the disease. The third group includes people at increased risk of infection, such as health professionals or social workers. The risk and timing of the second dose will be taken into account. “The third dose does not apply to those who have received a full vaccination and have overcome COVID-19 at the same time. They do not need it.” pointed out Koščálová.

The third wave attacks: The Great

New division of districts

From Monday, October 11, there will be 16 districts in the second level of threat, ie in the burgundy phase. There will be 43 red districts, 20 orange districts.

Vigilance (orange) will be the districts of Banská Štiavnica, Bratislava IV, Dunajská Streda, Galanta, Hlohovec, Komárno, Malacky, Nové Zámky, Partizánske, Pezinok, Prievidza, Šaľa, Senec, Topoľčany, Trnava, Turčianske Teplice.

The third wave attacks: The Great

In the first degree of threat (red color) will be Bánovce nad Bebravou, Banská Bystrica, Brezno, Bytča, Dolný Kubín, Gelnica, Ilava, Kežmarok, Krupina, Levice, Levoča, Liptovský Mikuláš, Lučenec, Martin, Medzilaborce, Michalovce, Myjava, Nitra, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Piešťany, Poltár, Poprad, Považská Bystrica, Prešov, Púchov, Revúca, Rimavská Sobota, Rožňava, Sabinov, Senica, Snina, Sobrance, Spišská Nová Ves, Trebišov, Trenčín, Tvrdošín, Veľký Krtíš, Vranov nad Topľou, Žarnovica, Žiar nad Hronom, Žilina , Zlaté Moravce, Zvolen.

The third wave attacks: The Great

In the second degree of threat (burgundy color) will be the districts of Bardejov, Čadca, Detva, Humenné, Košice I-IV, Košice-okolie, Kysucké Nové Mesto, Námestovo, Ružomberok, Skalica, Stará Ľubovňa, Stropkov, Svidník.

Hours for seniors are canceled

Hours reserved for seniors and disabled people will be canceled from 11 October. Until now, it was necessary for senior classes to set aside operations in burgundy and black districts in the “base” mode. Decree of the ÚVZ SR regulating the activities of operations.

The third wave attacks: The Great

The definity of the fully vaccinated person was slightly adjusted

According to the ÚVZ, children under 12 years of age and 2 months of age are considered to be fully vaccinated persons. According to the Authority, the time limit was set in such a way that a person aged 12 years after vaccination had the necessary time to assume that a sufficient level of protective antibodies could be produced in the body.

The third wave attacks: The Great

Combining different modes for one mass event will no longer be possible

Due to the deteriorating pandemic situation in Slovakia, the combination of different regimes for one mass event will be prohibited. It follows from Decree of the ÚVZ SR regulating the organization of mass events. It will enter into force on Monday (October 11). When entering a mass event, it will be obligatory to choose the mode, have a notice in a visible place and ensure entry to the event premises only to participants in the chosen mode (base, OTP, completely vaccinated).

The third wave attacks: The Great

Establishments must be visibly marked

It is explicitly stated that when entering the operation, it is obligatory to choose the mode, have a notice about it in a visible place and ensure entry to the premises only to participants in the chosen mode (basic, OTP, completely vaccinated).

The third wave attacks: The Great

The regime (basis, OTP, fully vaccinated) at the entry into operation is not obligatory according to the Decree to mark the establishments and services listed in paragraph 2, paragraph 2 of the said Decree. These include groceries, drugstores, pharmacies, opticians and medical devices, spas providing procedures based on a doctor’s design, newspapers and printed matter stores, pet food stores and veterinary clinics, libraries, petrol stations, machine electronics repair shops and services, services MOT and emission control and the like.

Employees with a positive test will also be able to take care of clients in ZSS

Employees of social services facilities (ZSS) will be able to take care of clients in necessary cases even after a positive test for COVID-19. However, they must not have any symptoms of the disease. It will allow it Decree of the ÚVZ SR regulating the isolation of a positive person and the quarantine of contactswhich will take effect on Monday, October 11.

The third wave attacks: The Great

“Similarly to the case of health care workers, also to the staff of social services facilities in cases where it is necessary to provide urgent care for the client in the social services facility and it is not possible to provide another ZSS worker or the surrounding social services facilities, it will be possible for the worker in ZSS, if positive and has no clinical signs, provided health care to people positive for the disease, ” Daša Račková, a spokeswoman for the ÚVZ SR, clarified.

The third wave attacks: The Great

The condition is that such a worker adheres strict hygiene standards, wore an FFP3 respirator without an exhalation valve, or covered with a surgical drape, wore goggles or a shield, as well as a long – sleeved waterproof protective jacket or disposable protective suit.

The quarantine for the unvaccinated will be reduced to 10 days

The length of the quarantine after entering the Slovak Republic will be shortened from 14 to ten days during its asymptomatic course. Quarantine can also be terminated by a negative result of a PCR test performed on the fifth day at the earliest. Quarantine does not apply to fully vaccinated persons. It follows from the new Decree of the ÚVZ SR on the border regimewhich will take effect on 15 October.

The status of a fully vaccinated person must be proved upon entering the territory of the Slovak Republic either by a COVID EU card or another national certificate of a third country. It must be stamped or electronically verifiable and must be in English. “A person who is unable to prove himself in this way shall not be considered a fully vaccinated person,” Daša Račková, a spokeswoman for the ÚVZ SR, approached.

Registration via eHranice will be mandatory for entry to Slovakia for persons over 12 years and two months of age. “The time limit was set in such a way that the person aged 12 years after vaccination had the necessary time to assume that a sufficient level of protective antibodies could be produced in the body,” the spokeswoman explained.

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