Veneto, Manageritalia: at the start of the annual forum on ‘Management & tourism’

The annual forum on ‘Management & tourism’ is born in Venice with the aim of helping companies to face the transformations of work, equip themselves with a better organization and create the conditions to found the new Veneto tourism system. The forum was born following the conference on ‘The transformation of work in Veneto tourism: the production chains and the role of managers’ promoted by Manageritalia Veneto and with the participation of the Venetian Hoteliers’ Association (Ava) and the International Center for Studies on tourism economy (Ciset) of the Ca ‘Foscari University of Venice. During the event, the changes affecting the tourism sector were highlighted, which is now closely connected with all the other production chains. This is why the need arises, in order to start again, for greater dialogue between the parties, more synergy between companies and, above all, the skills of people and in particular of managers. In particular, during the conference, it emerged how the Venetian executives affirm that innovation is the main challenge to be able to respond to customer needs. The other challenges recognized as the most relevant are precisely the strengthening of relationships and partnerships within the supply chains at an inter-sectoral and / or intersectoral level and the reorganization of work following phenomena such as the affirmation of agile work and increasing automation. In Italy by 2020, out of 115 thousand executives in the private sector, in total only 4,650 are in the hotel and catering sector and in Veneto out of 7,839 only 50. The executives are 459 thousand and those in the hotel and catering sector 4,014, in Veneto 36,813 in total and 472 in the sector hotels and restaurants. Basically, the numbers of managers in the sector show a poor managerialization but to start again it is necessary to implement the transversality between sectors and skills and here Manageritalia Veneto and the other bodies make available people trained, also for the generational change, to the most in difficulty such as, in particular, small and medium-sized enterprises.