Safe: Minister Patuanelli at the Closing Ceremony of the Master

The Closing Ceremony of the XXII Edition of the Master Safe in “Energy Resource Management” took place at the Maxxi Museum in Rome. A special occasion that brought together all the main realities of the energy world in a meeting focused on the theme of ecological transition and the circular economy. “The great environmental and social challenges we face require a profound rethinking of development models”, highlighted Raffaele Chiulli, President of Safe, “Technological innovation applied to the circular approach, which focuses on reuse, regeneration and recycling, extension of useful life, sharing platforms, make it possible to promote development by reducing the consumption of resources and making business models more sustainable “. The meeting was inaugurated by Stefano Patuanelli, Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, who underlined how the energy transformation “must also be understood as a cultural and social transition” “The ecological transition” – continued Minister Patuanelli – ” it needs new technologies that must be accompanied by investments in research and transferred to the industrial sector ”. On the circularity and sustainable management of resources, the Minister stressed the need to promote “coherent policies for a more rational use of resources”. Patuanelli then recalled how the resources of the PNRR should not “be spent but invested by focusing on sustainability and the circular economy”. In conclusion, the Minister then focused on the issue of training and the importance of projects such as the Master Safe, to promote skills and enhance resources that know how to enable decision makers to make the right choices. An interesting round table was held during the event, moderated by the journalist Cristina Raschio – RaiNews24, which was attended by representatives of the main institutions and companies in the sector: Gianluca Aliotta, Director of New Energies – Saipem, Fabio Giuseppini, Chief Executive Officer – Ireti and Riccardo Piunti – President of Conou. The debate then left room for the delivery of diplomas to the participants of the XXII Edition of the Master, and of the awards to SAFE partner companies, including: Accenture, Edelweiss, Edison, Enel Green Power, Engie, EF Solare Italia, Erg, Illumia , Iren, RSE, Terna. Among others, special awards were given to Salvatore Bernabei, CEO of Enel Green Power and Stefano Besseghini, President of ARERA, who wanted to underline the importance of transversal and multidisciplinary training to read and face the complexity of the ecological transition. . Special guest of the Ceremony, Marco Maddaloni, established Judo champion and testimony of how, through commitment and perseverance, it is possible to achieve important results. A clear and strong message addressed to the participants of the SAFE Master.