The ex-head of the inspection team wants to go away from Bratislava! Santusová did not answer questions about the lie detector –

Investigator Diana Santus headed the inspection team, but was then suspended by Peter Scholtz, the temporary director of the inspection. It happened after Santus’ team began to act against people who had to manipulate their statements in big cases, which are also known in the media.

Santus was supposed to go to the lie detector as well, whether she did, it’s not known yet. When the accused Peter Petrov and Matej Zeman testified at the inspection, the editor Topiek also managed to film Santus’ arrival at work. However, she did not answer the questions and, with a hood on her head and a veil over her mouth and nose, she quickly moved into the building. According to information Awnings however, after receiving a stop sign, Santus wanted to be reassigned to the east.

Santus was hiding from the cameras


Accused NAKA investigators

According to television information, a few weeks ago, the investigator from the inspection and the current head of the team, Michal Vyšváder, also asked for reassignment. He wants to go to work at the district directorate, his superior should have approved it. It was Vyšváder who was signed under the first resolution on the accusation of NAKA investigators.

Last week, the senate of the regional court also released them from custody, because according to him, the prosecution itself is no longer justified.