Land registry reform, Confesercenti: “focus on increasing cadastral rents, no more taxes”

“We must be careful so that all this takes place in a regime that does not lead to an increase in taxation and does not further compress consumption, otherwise there could be direct implications on the companies we represent”. Thus the general secretary of Confesercenti Mauro Bussoni comments with the Adnkronos on the heated debate on the reform of the land registry. In fact, Bussoni explains “if an important increase in cadastral income is made it is obvious that both citizens and companies that own real estate would be a problem, we also think of the weaker groups, because it could prevent the enjoyment of benefits linked to the presentation. of the Isee “. And instead, “it’s okay if the real goal is to go and recover, as the report says, a series of uncensored properties – and it seems there are a lot of them – an action is taken to recover spaces that have been lost up to now. “concludes Bussoni.