They removed two more billboards. Košice continues to fight against visual smog – Korzár SME – Korzár Košice

The Deputy Prime Minister criticizes the billboard company.

7. Oct 2021 at 13:36 (updated 7. Oct 2021 at 15:15) , SITA

KOŠICE. The management of the city of Košice began to remove illegal advertising media.

During this year, the city’s building authority issued almost 100 decisions to remove illegal advertising space.

The city wants all of them to be removed by next spring at the latest.

On Thursday, on Popradská Street above Jazdiarňa, the first two illegal billboards standing on the city’s lands were cut down, the owners of which did not respect the city’s call for their removal.

The City of Košice informed about it.

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Many stand on the land of the city and without permission

According to the mayor, one of the important tasks of the city is Jaroslav Polaček (independent) ensure a reduction in the amount of visual smog in public space.

According to him, the first step was the passportization of billboards and other advertising devices, which took place last year.

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The Department of the Chief Architect (UHA) has developed principles, criteria and rules for the location of information, promotional and advertising facilities in the city.

At the same time, he mapped out that there are almost 3,000 advertising spaces in Košice, which are on the city’s land, or partially encroach on them.

Many of them have no permits, as they were built during socialism or just after the revolution.

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“Since I took office, we have taken several measures to significantly reduce the number of advertising facilities in Košice. We’ve set rules so that we don’t issue new permissions to advertising companies, and we don’t renew them when their original ones expire. Despite the complex administration that accompanies this process, our goal is to beautify the streets and the entire public space in our city, “said Polaček.

According to the mayor, the removal of illegal advertising media will not only end with their removal in almost 100 places for which they have already obtained a permit.

In the following year, they plan to remove other illegally built billboards and advertising space, for which in the meantime the city will receive further decisions from the building authority.

As the municipality further informed, if possible, the city will plant one tree or another tree on the site of each removed advertising medium.

Reaction For people

“The For People party has ordered billboards from one of the largest media agencies in Slovakia. If the agency sells illegal billboards to clients, we will demand compensation from them. It is inadmissible for them to damage the reputation of customers in this way,” that one of the first two removed billboards in Košice is the current deputy prime minister Veronika Remišová and her party colleagues.

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