A terrible accident on R1: The car hit a big BEAR, the statistics speak for themselves! – Topky.sk

It was all supposed to happen on Wednesday evening. The car with two passengers was heading along the R1 from Zvolen towards Žiar nad Hronom, but the driver probably didn’t even think about what he would witness even in the worst dream. Suddenly, a bear appeared on the R1, which they could no longer avoid, and they crashed into it by car.

Source: FB / SR Police – Banská Bystrica Region

According to TV JOJ it was a mercedes in which two people were sitting. Banská Bystrica police also informed about the incident. “After the crash, a fog light came off the car, which crashed into the front of the police car, which was going in the opposite direction. No one was injured in the accident, but both cars remained damaged. ” stated on the social network.

It is a miracle that the crew escaped from the accident without injury, but the bear did not survive the accident. In the photos, which are available on the police Facebook, it is clear that the impact caused open injuries to the bear.

Terrible accident on R1:

Source: Getty Images

According to the State Nature Protection Agency, the Emergency Team for the Brown Bear was not sent to the site, however, an expert from the Administration of the Poľana Protected Landscape Area took part in the inspection. “We can thus state that 6.10.2021 in the evening in cadastral area In the Stráže locality, a male brown bear penetrated through the fence of the R1 expressway. The dead individual was handed over to the local hunting association Stráže Budča, Turová, Kováčová, ” said Kristína Bocková, a spokeswoman for nature protection.

Terrible accident on R1:

Source: FB / Filip Kuffa

However, this is not the first accident of a brown bear with a car or other means of transport. According to the statistics provided by ŠOP for Topky.sk, it is clear that this year there have been 26 collisions between the bear and the train or car. This is the highest number in the last 10 years. For example, in 2019 there were 19 collisions, in 2013 there were 7, in 2011 there were 10 bear collisions with a means of transport.

Deputy Filip Kuffa also spoke on the whole matter. According to him, the accident was not caused by the fact that there were few bears in Slovakia. On the contrary, with the growth of the brown bear population, conflicts with humans have also increased, resulting in physical contact and injuries. There were deaths of people after the bear attack. And the number of perished bears under the wheels of iron predators increased, “ Kuffa warned.