Linate massacre: 8 October Committee chairman, ‘remember victims with stele at the airport’

” Twenty years is a long time and it is nothing, it is unfortunate to note that many people, especially young people, no longer remember this tragedy, or do not know it since they were born later and unfortunately no one has ever informed them. It is the largest civil aviation of the post-war period with 118 dead. “To speak to Adnkronos is Adele Scarani Pesapane, the president of the 8 October Committee who lost her husband Maurizio in the Linate massacre and who of that” cursed morning ” remember “everything. I still have some very clear flashes. “In the collision between the small touring Cessna and a Scandinavian airliner, 114 passengers and crew members and four SEA employees, baggage handling staff, who were working inside the ship, lost their lives. ‘hangar where the plane finished its run and caught fire. A tragedy commemorated with the nearby beech forest, with the names of the victims written in the airport chapel and with a stele at the end of the runway commemorating the four dead Sea employees, and in general all the victims. But nothing really at the airport, where the passengers pass, brings us back to that massacre. In an old meeting of the Committee we talked about proposing a stele with names or something to remember, now it is time to take up the idea “, he announces. Another gesture from memory is the book by Francesca La Mantia, ‘Non è the fault of the fog. The Linate tragedy told to the children ‘. “It is an extremely important text to remember, it is right to explain to the new generations what happened and leave them a written testimony. I intend to take a copy to each school and meet with the young people. The book is there, we hope the docufilm will be realized for next year “, concludes Adele Scarani Pesapane.