Covid today Italy, Civil Protection and regional contagion bulletin 7 October

The bulletin with the numbers of Covid in Italy today, Thursday 7 October 2021, with data and news from the Civil Protection and the Ministry of Health – region by region – on infections, hospitalizations, deaths. The numbers from Sicily which is preparing to return to the white zone after more than a month in the yellow zone, from Lombardy and Puglia, from Lazio and Campania, from Tuscany and Veneto. The numbers of big cities like Rome, Milan and Naples. The point about vaccines in Italy. The data of the regions: TUSCANY There are 228 infections from covid 19 in Tuscany today, Thursday 7 October 2021, according to data and numbers of the regional bulletin anticipated by the governor Eugenio Giani on social media. “The new cases registered in Tuscany are 228 out of 18,339 tests, of which 8,343 molecular swabs and 9,996 rapid tests. The rate of new positives is 1.24% (3.4% on the first diagnoses)”, writes Giani, adding that vaccines currently administered in Tuscany are 5,544,908.VENETO There are 349 infections from covid 19 in Veneto today, 7 October 2021, according to data from the regional bulletin. There are no deaths. New cases were identified on 49,880 swabs, the positivity rate is 0.70%. 250 (+5) patients are hospitalized for covid. In the non-critical area, the patients are 207 (+6). In intensive care, however, 43 people (-1) .BASILICATA In Basilicata there are 24 coronavirus infections (22 concern residents) today 7 October according to data from the regional bulletin. There are no deaths. The new cases were identified on a total of 900 molecular swabs. The Lucanians recovered or negativized are 15. The hospitalized in the hospitals of Potenza and Matera are 30 of which 1 in intensive care while the current positives residing in Basilicata are in all 1,198 (+7). For the vaccination, 933 administrations were carried out yesterday. Up to now 423,768 Lucanians have received the first dose of the vaccine (76.6 percent of the total resident population) while 381,183 have completed the vaccination cycle (69.1 percent), for a total of 805,951 administrations carried out. The highest percentages are recorded in the age group 70-79 years with 96.8 percent of first doses administered and with 92.7 percent completion of the vaccination cycle. PUGLIAS There are 94 coronavirus infections in Puglia today, Thursday October 7, 2021, according to covid-19 data from the region’s bulletin. Since yesterday, no deaths have been recorded. New cases were identified on 12,982 tests. The 25 new positives in the province of Bari and the 22 in the province of Foggia stand out. Currently positive people are 2,450. There are 146 covid patients hospitalized in a non-critical area. In intensive care, 19 people are instead.