DIRECT. Covid-19: “The time has not come to lift the constraints”, announces the spokesperson for the government … – Franceinfo

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13:27 : Out of 4.5 million eligible people, about 1.5 million have had their booster dose (…) It is not yet enough “, points out the government spokesperson.

13:26 : Gabriel Attal relaunches “a call for people already eligible for the vaccine booster”. The recall campaign for people over 65 and people with particular fragility has started “but remains at an insufficient rate”. This booster dose “is very important to maintain immunity: it must be able to remain at a high level.”

13:17 : The government spokesperson adds that “the Defense Council decided to follow the recommendation of the HAS, which authorizes the vaccination booster campaign for nursing staff.

13:17 : “The lull is far from being complete on the whole of the national territory: in Guyana, the alert rate and the vaccination coverage rate remain desperately low. We call on the inhabitants to be vaccinated quickly. only way out of Guyana from this devastating fourth wave “, continues Gabriel Attal.

13:17 : Gabriel Attal speaks at the exit of the Health Defense Council and the Council of Ministers. It begins with a point on the progress of the virus on the territory. “We owe the truth to the French: the time has not come to lift the constraints. In many departments, the epidemic is no longer receding and the situation calls out in several departments, including Pays de la Loire and Aude “, says the government spokesperson.

12:01 : It is time to take stock of the news.

From October 15, each adult unvaccinated without a prescription will therefore have to pay 44 euros for their PCR test. Antigenic tests will be charged 22 euros if they are carried out in the laboratory.

From Monday, October 11, 21 new departments will be affected by the end of the wearing of masks for students of primary schools. Here is the new map of departments. There are therefore 33 departments where the mask is still mandatory for students from CP to CM2.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended the massive deployment of the first malaria vaccine in children living in sub-Saharan Africa and in areas at risk. This news could save tens of thousands of lives, as a child dies every two minutes from malaria around the world, according to the WHO. Here are five questions that arise after this announcement.

Survivors of the massacre in the concert hall began to testify on Wednesday. They recounted the closed door and their desperate attempts to escape. A harrowing tale that led the Special Assize Court into this terrifying “trap” who held them for more than two hours, as my colleague Catherine Fournier tells us.

11:24 am : “The virus attacked a population which was not immune, poorly vaccinated and who did not practice barrier gestures.”

The Covid-19 epidemic, which has struck New Caledonia for a month, has already caused the death of 185 people. Despite strict population containment, the mortality curve is about 40% higher than scientists’ forecasts. On the island, there are 8,860 cases, more than 300 people hospitalized including 59 in intensive care for a population of about 280,000 people.

10:42 am : The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has declared “inadmissible” the petition against the health pass filed by a law professor, and the 18,000 “standardized queries” who accompanied him. In a statement, the Court stressed that the request of this academic, Guillaume Zambrano, was inadmissible because of the “non-exhaustion of domestic remedies” and “abusive” of this approach aimed at provoking “traffic jam, congestion, flood” of the services of the ECHR.

09:58 : In decline for several weeks, the weekly number of Covid-19 screening tests stabilized at the end of September in France. Boosted by the extension of the health pass, these exams (PCR and antigens) had reached a record level of 5.7 million per week in mid-August. The decline which followed, initially rapid, then slowed down, to 3.6 million in the week of September 20, then a little less than 3.5 million that of September 27, according to figures published by the Ministry of Health.

09h00 : It is time to take stock of the news.

From October 15, each adult unvaccinated without a prescription will therefore have to pay 44 euros for their PCR test. Antigenic tests will be charged 22 euros if they are carried out in the laboratory.

From Monday, October 11, 21 new departments will be affected by the end of the wearing of masks for students of primary schools. Here is the new map of departments. There are therefore 33 departments where the mask is still compulsory for students from CP to CM2.

The French ambassador to Australia, who had been recalled to Paris after the cancellation of a mega-contract for French submarines, will return to Canberra, announced Jean-Yves Le Drian. However, the date has not been set.

#IVG A bill to extend the time limit for access to abortion, who would go from 12 to 14 weeks pregnant, will be placed on the agenda of the National Assembly by the parliamentary group LREM by the end of November, assured its president Christophe Castaner to Parisian.

08:38 : Doctor François Blanchecotte, president of the National Union of Medical Biologists, one of the four unions representing the profession, expect a fall “brutal” anti-Covid-19 tests after the end of their free service. “We had remained at levels that were still very high. Last week, we were at more than 3.5 million tests, including a million PCRs and 2.5 million antigen tests. The fall is going to be brutal. We think d ‘about 80% “, he said on franceinfo.

11:10 a.m. : Here is the new map of the departments concerned by the end of the wearing of the mask for primary school pupils. Those in green (47) are those who have already applied the end of the mask since Monday, the 21 new departments where this decision will apply from October 11 are in lighter green. There are therefore 33 departments where the mask is still compulsory for students from CP to CM2.


11:05 am : From October 15, each adult unvaccinated without a prescription will therefore have to pay 44 euros for their PCR test. Antigenic tests will be charged 22 euros if they are carried out in the laboratory. On the other hand, in pharmacies, it will be necessary to pay 25 euros, even 30 euros on Sunday. Self-tests at 5.20 euros will no longer be free when they are carried out in front of the pharmacist. There are, however, several exceptions. For people who have already been vaccinated, the tests will remain free, for example.

11:04 am : From October 15, when Covid-19 screening tests will no longer be systematically free, PCR tests will cost 44 euros for adults not vaccinated without a prescription, reveals franceinfo.

11:01 am : You can find here the map of the French departments concerned by the end of the wearing of masks for primary school pupils. The mask therefore remains compulsory in 33 French departments. Its lifting is conditional on the drop in the incidence rate, which must stabilize below the threshold of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

6:24 am : Hello @Cilou. Here is the list of the 21 new departments where the mask will no longer be compulsory for primary school pupils: Hautes-Alpes, Aube, Haute-Corse, Doubs, Eure-et-Loir, Haute-Garonne, Gironde, Ille-et-Vilaine, Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, North, Oise, Puy-de-Dôme, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Hautes-Pyrénées, Pyrénées-Orientales, Bas-Rhin, Savoie, Territoire de Belfort, Reunion, Mayotte.

6:19 a.m. : Hello, what will be the 68 departments without a mask at school on Monday, October 11? Thank you

07:17 : Wearing a mask will no longer be compulsory in primary school in 21 new departments from Monday, October 11, according to a decree published in Official newspaper.

10h59 : We start with the traditional point on the news.

The French Ambassador to Australia, who had been recalled to Paris after the cancellation of the record contract on French submarines, going back to Canberra, announced the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves Le Drian. However, the date has not yet been set.

The Nobel Prize for Literature is awarded at 1 p.m. in Stockholm. The most prestigious of literary awards, historically very Western, could go to an Asian or African author to respond to the promise, hitherto unfulfilled, to broaden his horizons.

The report of the Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church (Ciase) insists on the need to report testimonies of sexual crimes against minors collected during confessions. But the Conference of Bishops opposes it. Explanations.

The High Authority for Health (HAS) now recommends a booster dose for each caregiver. This recommendation also concerns those around immunosuppressed people and members of medical transport personnel.