Rome elections, ballot: Michetti-Gualtieri TV confrontation October 14th

Enrico Michetti and Roberto Gualtieri, candidates for mayor of Rome, face to face on October 14 in the TV confrontation on Sky Tg24 before the ballot scheduled for October 17 and 18. On 11 October at 8.30 pm, on the other hand, the meeting between Paolo Damilano and Stefano Lo Russo, aspiring mayors of Turin, is scheduled. The confrontation will last one hour, with live questions and answers. Both meetings will be conducted by Fabio Vitale. The newspaper received the support of all the contenders, who will compete according to a well-defined regulation that will be shared in a meeting between the spokespersons, the representatives of the candidates and the editorial staff of Sky TG24. The Confronti will have the same format and rules used in the previous meetings hosted by Sky: positioning order defined by draw, answers marked by a countdown, the same possibility of replication for everyone, a final appeal.