Tanzanian novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature

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The Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded on Thursday to the Tanzanian author Abdulrazak Gurnah. The novelist, born in 1948 on the island of Zanzibar, has published ten novels including “Near the sea” in 2006, and short stories.

The Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded Thursday, October 7, to the Tanzanian novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah, announced the Swedish Academy. Born in 1948 on the island of Zanzibar, Abdulrazak Gurnah arrived in Britain as a refugee in the late 1960s.

He is the author of ten novels, including “Near the Sea” in 2006, and short stories. He lives in Brighton and teaches at the University of Kent.

Historically very Western, the Nobel Prize for Literature awarded in Stockholm has kept its promise to broaden its horizons by presenting one of the most prestigious literary awards to an African writer.